April 15, 2016

Vegan Banana Puddin’ Milkshake

Banana Puddin' Milkshake

I’m a biiiiiiiig milkshake fan. Know what I’m not a fan of? A milkshake on my badonk…which is exactly where it ends up. Pretttty much immediately. And there’s never been a better time to be a milkshake lover either – insanely wonderful, come-hither milkshake concoctions are popping up everywhere, enticing me with their creamy siren songs. I couldn’t possibly miss out on this glorious food moment in time just because I’m a little dairy wary. So I did what I do: I created my own milkshake, sans cow’s milk and ice cream. And guess what?? It’s freaking awesome.

So what would my winning combo be? As a Southerner, I’ve always prided myself on making a badass banana puddin’, so marrying the two seemed like the brightest idea I’ve ever conceived. And it was. With a luscious, vanilla-kissed, creamy banana and cashew milk base and a layer of vegan salted caramel sauce to lend that Nilla wafer-y sweetness, I swear to everything holy you won’t miss any of the cream or refined sugar of a traditional shake for even a nanosecond.

So I had the flavors nailed. Then I just needed a little extra something. A textured topper to add crunch and pizzazz, something to cut the inherent sweetness of this magnificent creation. Because I don’t know about you, but I like a little saltiness to balance my sweets. Enter Pipcorn.

What’s Pipcorn, you ask?? Ummmmm, just the most adorable little mini popcorn you’ve ever laid eyes on. And the best part (besides the fact that they have a truffle flavor)? It doesn’t have those big ol’ hulls that get stuck in your teeth. So you can totally still look sexy eating it. It’s seriously one of my newest snack obsessions (I mayyyyyyy or may not hide bags of it from my boys so I don’t have to share – they LOVE this stuff!!).

So when I needed something crunchy and salty to complete my milkshake masterpiece, I reached for the Sea Salt Pipcorn. And, y’all, it did not disappoint. Between myself and my boys, this was demolished within 48 seconds flat. They were literally flanking me on all sides as I took this photo, stalking their milkshake prey like ravenous jungle cats, spoons at the ready.

So yeah, it looks like my milkshake really does bring all the boys to the yard, sans milk and all. Try it, you’ll flip.

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Vegan Banana Puddin' Milkshake
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  1. First, you're gonna have to make the caramel sauce, because it needs a while to do its thang. So go ahead and whisk together the coconut milk + coconut sugar + sea salt in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a simmer and reduce heat to keep at a gentle simmer, stirring every so often. Let it cook for about 30-45 minutes, until it's thickened enough to coat the back of a spoon. Remove from the heat and stir in the coconut oil + vanilla. Let cool a few minutes, then pour caramel into a jar, lid it and pop it in the fridge overnight. (Good news: you'll have a bunch leftover after the milkshake, so you can drizzle it on your yogurt, dip your fruit in it, or just drink it straight from the jar when no one's looking. You're welcome.)
  2. To make the milkshake, toss the cashew milk + vanilla + dates + frozen bananas into the blender and blend until totally smoooooooooth.
  3. To serve that puppy, pour milkshake into a glass and top with caramel sauce + Pipcorn.



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