Sometimes a girl just needs a little brunch in her life. There’s no way ’round it. As a known brunch lover, I often field the following question from friends and family: “What’s the difference between breakfast and brunch?” In the face of such woeful ignorance, I feel it my place – nay, my obligation – to set the record straight. Since I know we’re all busy here, I’ll keep it short with just a simple frame of reference: breakfast is oatmeal, brunch is this breakfast slider.
Brunch is special. A mash-up of breakfast and lunch, it’s really gotta bring the a-game in order to cover the spread for two whole meals. Brunch is lingering and savoring. Brunch is boozing at 10am with no judgment. Brunch is the feast for which you couldn’t possibly find time during the week, the culmination – dare I say, pinnacle! – of a well-rested weekend.
These are brunch, and they are crazy good. As usual, the secret is in the sauce(s). A sweet mustard dressing jazzes up the inside of a warm, soft roll, while a savory, butter-based, poppy-seed-speckled glaze bathes the top in everything-bagel-y goodness. Fluffy scrambled eggs, smoky bacon and oozing, melty cheese round out the multiple layers of flavor. And guess what? They’re actually really quick to throw together, so it’s minimal effort for maximum brunch enjoyment.
I used homemade dinner rolls (because that’s how I do), leftover from the previous night’s supper, but any store-bought roll will do (as always, I highly recommend organic and/or non-GMO brands) for these little guys.
Happy brunching!
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