Homemade gravy elevates absolutely everything it touches. I basically just drench my entire plate with gravy any time it's an option and I'm not being too closely watched by my fellow diners. It's super easy too.
¼ cup fat drippings from the turkey roasting pan
2 cups turkey bone broth
2 tbsp corn starch
poultry seasoning to taste
sea salt to taste
In a small saucepan, heat the fat drippings over medium heat, then stir in broth + bring to a simmer.
Whisk 3 or 4 tbsp of water with cornstarch (this is called a slurry), until it resembles cream, then while stirring the broth, slowly drizzle it into the saucepan. the broth will thicken immediately. Bring it back up to a simmer. If it's still too thin, add more slurry; if it gets too thick, add more broth.
Season to taste with poultry seasoning + sea salt.
Recipe by savoring the flavoring at https://www.savoringtheflavoring.com/minithanksgivingfeast/